The criteria for referral has been developed using the NHS England Maternal Medicine Service Specification (2020) as guidance, in consultation with Lead Obstetricians and Physicians at both Maternal Medicine Centres. There have been some amendments to reflect local expertise and capacity at both Maternal Medicine Centres at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust.

Conditions for considerations of referral into a Maternal Medicine Centre

In order to make a referral to one of our Maternal Medicine Centres you will need to download and fill out the below referral form. It is recommend that you referral to the centre that is closest to the woman, but if you need any advice about the most appropriate centre for a specific condition, please contact the team to discuss. 

Download our referral form

Please ensure all relevant details have been included on the form. Once the referral form has been completed please email the form across to your local centre using one of the emails below.

Leeds referral email address 

Sheffield referral email address

If you do not live in the Yorkshire & Humber area but are looking for support around Maternal Network Centres, please search for your local area and try 'Maternal Medicine' or 'MMN' to find appropriate services.